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Woodcarving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe—a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool.However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blanchard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes—an innovation that, made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong and square wood ware—craftsmen who could use knife and chisel skillfully were still in demand. Some found ready employment in shops of cabinet-makers and chair-makers, while others carved decoys (捕兽的圈套). Still others specialized in creating shop signs, ship figureheads, or in decorating interior woodwork. A few even accepted commissions to make busts(半身像) of prominent citizens.36. This passage most likely came from a longer work about early American( ).37. The passage suggests that the early shops for making tools were( ).38. It can be inferred from the passage that, before Thomas Blanchard’s invention, lathes( ).39. Which of the following object was an important wood-working tool used by early American craftsmen?40. According to the passage, when wooden articles began to be mass-produced, what did many individual wood-workers do?

A.arts and crafts B.political leaders C.logging industries D.fashion design
A.not very sophisticated B.known for doing very quick work C.dependent on imported materials D.frequented only by fashionable people
A.were not made of wood B.could not produce square objects C.were found only in cabin making shops D.could be used to make most tools and utensils
A.A bust B.A decoy C.A figurehead D.A chisel
A.They moved out of Massachusetts. B.They found wood making specialized items. C.They made demands on government leaders. D.They took jobs on ships as sailors.

相关专题: 半身像  

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Woodcarving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe—a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool.However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blanchard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes—an innovation that, made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong and square wood ware—craftsmen who could use knife and chisel skillfully were still in demand. Some found ready employment in shops of cabinet-makers and chair-makers, while others carved decoys (捕兽的圈套). Still others specialized in creating shop signs, ship figureheads, or in decorating interior woodwork. A few even accepted commissions to make busts(半身像) of prominent citizens.36. This passage most likely came from a longer work about early American( ).37. The passage suggests that the early shops for making tools were( ).38. It can be inferred from the passage that, before Thomas Blanchard’s invention, lathes( ).39. Which of the following object was an important wood-working tool used by early American craftsmen?40. According to the passage, when wooden articles began to be mass-produced, what did many individual wood-workers do?

A.arts and crafts B.political leaders C.logging industries D.fashion design
A.not very sophisticated B.known for doing very quick work C.dependent on imported materials D.frequented only by fashionable people
A.were not made of wood B.could not produce square objects C.were found only in cabin making shops D.could be used to make most tools and utensils
A.A bust B.A decoy C.A figurehead D.A chisel
A.They moved out of Massachusetts. B.They found wood making specialized items. C.They made demands on government leaders. D.They took jobs on ships as sailors.
1912年,在埃及的一次考古挖掘中,考古学家波哈特发现了公元前十四世纪埃及皇后奈菲尔提蒂的半身像并运回国。根据美国《时代》周刊刊登的最新发现文件,波哈特当年在半身像的归属问题上,故意误导了埃及政府。为了能够留住珍贵的半身像,他让埃及官员在灰暗的灯光下查看文物,还对半身像的结构做了文章。埃及古迹最高委员会已反复要求德国将文物归还,至少让它暂时回到埃及故土。根据上文可以推断,考古学家波哈特是( )。










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