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There was a big hole in the road which ( )the traffic.

A.set back B.stood back C.held up D.kept down

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This is the nurse who ( )to me when I was ill in hospital.

A.accompanied B.attended C.entertained D.shielded

When making modern cameras people began to ( )plastics for metal.

A.surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute

A healthy and better-educated new generation is a ( )for sustainable economic and social development of all countries.

A.guarantee B.security C.demand D.target

The tragedy of the CHALLENGER( )an ongoing controversy on all aspects of America’s space program.

A.aroused B.rose C.arose D.lifted

The British Library ( )the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom.

A.contains B.retires C.retains D.conveys
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