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This is the nurse who ( )to me when I was ill in hospital.

A.accompanied B.attended C.entertained D.shielded

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But two hurdles stand in the way of Russia’s realizing its space dreams: a collapsing public-education system and a brain drain that for decades has been siphoning off the country’s highly trained engineers as they move to better-paying jobs in the West.

A.obstacles B.prophecies C.hassles D.outcomes

The ( )is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.

A.bean B.beam C.brake D.battery

A healthy and better-educated new generation is a ( )for sustainable economic and social development of all countries.

A.guarantee B.security C.demand D.target

Eventually the old brutal arrangement was ( )by the laws of the state, which undertook to end the freelance savageries of personal revenge by meting out justice uncomplicated by private passion.

A.superseded B.revised C.permeated D.imposed

The tragedy of the CHALLENGER( )an ongoing controversy on all aspects of America’s space program.

A.aroused B.rose C.arose D.lifted
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