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They moved to New York in 2000 and lived in a big house, ( )to the south.

A.the windows of which opened B.the window of it opened C.its windows opened D.the windows of which opening

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The public might well sanction a wider range of programming than would strictly be implied by the “gap-fill¬ing” approach, but this is not certain.

A.view B.approve C.coerce D.insist

For all the fretting about outsourcing and trade deficits in the United States, MTV offers a highly-end caseAB Cstudy in how to export what seems, at first glance, to be a uniquely American brand. D

A.For B.trade deficits C.highly-end D.a uniquely American brand

Never far from positions of influence, wealthier from his broadcasting activities ( )the biggest moguls, he is in many ways on the edge of things.

A.than all but B.as all but C.but than all D.but as all

Since 2004, some 60 million visitors to the US have had their two index fingerprints recorded by an scanner( ).

A.opposite B.organic C.occasional D.optical

It is hard to imagine how Manhattan, bought from a Native American tribe for so little,( )vibrant financial community in America.

A.could become the most B.becomes the most C.to become D.one of the most assuming
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