We need to free young men from a destructive culture of manhood that impedes their capacity to feel other">
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s="" sadness.'>

We need to free young men from a destructive culture of manhood that impedes their capacity to feel other people’s hurt, to know other's sadness.

A.permeates B.deforms C.hinders D.expels

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Babbage was a prolific inventor, whose inventions include the ophthalmoscope for examining the retina of the eye, the skeleton key, the locomotive "cow catcher", and the speedometer.

A.productive B.obstinate C.eminent D.shrewd

The protest went ahead despite government assurances that they would press for ( )with the neighboring country in the issuing of visas.

A.prestige B.constraint C.retaliation D.reciprocity
s="" economy.'>

Based on the( )that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a marked improvement in the efficiency of China's economy.

A.guidance B.instruction C.premise D.quantity

( )a matter of disagreeing with the theory of independence( )rejecting its implications: that the romances may be taken in any or no particular order that they have no cumulative effect, and that they are as separate as the works of a modern novelist.

A.It is both,and of B.It is not,as well as C.It is not quite,but of D.It is,except for

A black hole is an astronomical body whose gravity is so strong(A) that nothing can escape from it. It was Newton who(B) first stated that light is composed (C) of particles. The French mathematician De Laplace next reasoned that if enough mass was added to (D) a star like the sun,the gravitational force of the star would eventually prevent light particles from leaving it;it would therefore “blink out” and become an invisible black star.

A.whose gravity is so strong B.who C.is composed D.was added to
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