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Scientists have found that scents ( )efficiency and reduce stress among office workers.

A.enhance B.amplify C.foster D.magnify

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The text and dialogue below (A) focus on (B) cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which (C) can create misunderstanding if ignoring (D).

The text and dialogue below (A) focus on (B) cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which (C) can create misunderstanding if ignoring (D).

The boy spends most of his time in English( )passing the examination this year.

A.with a view to B.on account of C.in the event of D.with reference to

Human beings spend a lot of time trying to figure out what will make them happy, but not nearly enough time trying to ( )the happiness they already have.

A.hang on to B.put up with C.look down on D.go in for

Last night he saw two dark ( )center the building, and then there was the explosion.

A.figures B.features C.sketches D.images
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