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相关专题: 侦察员   嫌疑犯  

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Harriet Tubman lived a life filled with adventure.Tubman worked with the Underground Railroad. She helped many slaves reach freedom in the North. She was a scout(侦察员)in the Civil War. She also worked as a nurse during the war. Life in the Old South was very hard for slaves. Most slaves lived in small houses.They had large families, and even the children had to work in the fields.Most slaves dreamed of getting to the north.They wanted to be free. One day Harriet saw a slave trying to run away. Then she saw the keeper running after him with a whip.Harriet stood in the keeper's way.The keeper took a weight and threw it at the slave.He hit Harriet above her eyes.It almost killed her. The scar(伤疤)on Harriet's head was an emblem(向征)of her will to fight for what she believed in. The Fugitive(逃亡)Slave Law made Harriet's job harder.The law said that slaves could be caught even in the North. Harriet began leading slaves all the way into Canada.There they were safe.The law couldn't hurt them there. When Harriet came for her mother and father,they were very old.Harriet was afraid they might not be able to make the trip.She got a horse.She and a friend made a wagon.She helped her mother and father ride to freedom. 小题1:The story mainly tells us about______.

A.life of the slaves in the Old South

B.life of Harriet Tubman

C.Harriet Tubman's fight for freedom for the slaves

D.the Civil War小题2:According to the story,which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?______.

A.Harriet Tubman used to work as a nurse during the Civil War.

B.The weight hit Harriet in the head and left a scar on her head.

C.Harriet led slaves to Canada where the law couldn't hurt them.

D.The Fugitive Slave Law protected running slaves in the North.小题3:The Fugitive Slave Law______.

A.protected running slaves

B.set slaves free

C.offered good jobs for slaves

D.made Harriet's job more difficult小题4:We can infer from the story that the author______.

A.was in favor of slavery

B.was supportive about Harriet's work

C.thought the Fugitive Slave Law was good

D.thought slaves were treated well in the North

题目要从编号为A、B、C、D、E、F的六个侦察员中挑选若干人去破案,人员的配备要求如下:A、B中至少去一人;A、D不能一起去;A、E、F中要派两人去;B、C都会或者都不去;C、D中去一人;若D不去,则E也不去。由此可见,被挑去的人是(   )。






请为下文《再见了,亲人》设计一份教学案例。再见了,亲人  大娘,停住您送别的脚步吧!为了帮我们洗补衣服,您已经几夜没合眼了。您这么大年纪,能支持得住吗?快回家休息吧!为什么摇头呢?难道您担心我们会把您这位朝鲜阿妈妮忘怀?不,永远不会。八年来,您为我们花了多少心血,给了我们多少慈母般的温暖!记得五次战役的时候,由于敌机的封锁,造成了暂时的供应困难。我们空着肚子,在阵地上跟敌人拼了三天三夜。是您带着全席妇女,顶着打糕,冒着炮火,穿过硝烟,送到阵地上给我们吃。这真是雪中送炭啊!当时许多同志都感动得流下了眼泪。在您的帮助下,我们打胜了那次狙击战,您回去的途中,累得昏倒在路旁了。我们还记得,我们的一个伤员在您家里休养,敌机来了,您丢下自己的小孙孙,把伤员背进了防空洞;当您再回去抢救小孙孙的时候,房子已经炸平了。您为我们失去了唯一的亲人。您说,这比山还高比海还深的情谊,我们怎么能忘怀?  小金花,不要哭了,擦干眼泪,再给我们唱个《捣米谣》吧!怎么?心里难过,唱不出来?你一向是个刚强的孩子啊!那一回,侦察员老王到敌占区去侦察,被敌人抓住了,关在一座小房子里,有一个班的鬼子看守着。你妈妈知道了,带着你混进敌占区,偷偷地靠近了关着老王的那所小房子?你妈妈故意跟哨兵争吵,引出那个班的敌人,你趁机钻进屋里,解开老王身上的绳索,救出了老王。你回到村里,焦急地等待妈妈,第二天传来噩耗,你妈妈拉响手榴弹跟敌人同归于尽了。同志们伤心地痛哭起来,你却把脚一跺,嘴角抽动着狠狠地说:“妈妈,这个仇我一定要报”小金花,你是多么刚强呀!可是今天,跟志愿军叔叔分别的今天,你怎么就落泪了呢?  大嫂,请回去吧!看,您的孩子在您背上睡熟了。山路这样崎岖,您架着双拐,已经送了几十里。就是您一步不送,我们只要想起您的双拐,也永远不会忘记您。我们清楚地记得,那是1952年的春天,金达菜花开满山野的时候,您知道我们缺少蔬菜,就挎着篮子上山挖野菜。后面山上的野菜挖光了,您又跑到前沿地去挖,不想敌人的一颗炮弹在您的身旁爆炸,您倒在血泊里……伤好以后,您只能靠着双拐走路了,您为我们付出了这样高的代价,难道还不足以己达您对中国人民的友谊吗?再见了,亲人!再见了,亲爱的土地!  列车呀,请慢一点开,让我们再看一眼朝鲜的亲人,让我们在这曾经洒过鲜血的土地上再停留片刻。再见了,亲人!我们的心永远跟你们在一起!
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