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The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be ________ from my memory.





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Monocular vision enables the kingfisher to

A.avoid farsightedness

B.be able to see underwater

C.move one eye at a time

D.focus its eyes on the prey

Which of the following would the author of this passage consider to be an example of creativity in a child?

A.Reciting a poem fluently.

B.Playing the violin wonderfully.

C.Winning a prize in a competition.

D.Standing on a stack ofb0oks to reach a cookie jar.

To keep a conversation flowing smoothly, it is better for the participants ________.

A) not to wear dark spectacles

B) not to make any interruptions

C) not to glance away from each other

D) not to make unpredictable pauses


A.by some means

B.by any means

C.by no means

D.by all means

The key point of the passage is that

A.stricter discipline should be maintained in schools and families

B.more good examples should be set for people to follow

C.more restrictions should be imposed on people's behavior

D.more people should accept the value of accountability

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